Maret 21, 2009

Bad Mood

Gak tau kenapa dari kemaren gw bawaanya marah-marah terus, sensian + muka dilipet sejuta. Awalnya kemaren gw abis denger curhatan kak ayu dr message di facebook, semua tentang cowoknya. Abis itu, karena gw ikutan kesel juga, gw sms deh cwoknya, eh cwoknya mlah bilang gw jangan ikut campur + bilang gue fuck off segala. Heh, how could you said that to me ??!!!!! Sumpah. kesel banget, emang sih, gw ga berhak ikut campur, tapi gw ga ada niatan untuk itu. Trus tadi pas oral test di LIA, gw amburadul banget, gugup.. pas gurunya nanya ke gw :

Miss. X : " Student card and payment sheet, please"
Gue : (bengong). "Sorry ?"
Miss. X : "I need your student card and payment sheet"

(then i take all the things that the teacher needed in my bag)

Miss X : "Read this passage"
Gue : "blablabla.."
Miss X : " So, what will the man do after he procastinate all of his assignment ?"
Gue : (bengong).
Miss X : (masih nunggu jawaban gue)
Gue :" Sorry mam, could you please repeat once again ?"
Miss X : (nahan sabar). "Hm, hear carefully. What will the man do after he procastinate all of his assignment?" ( bacanya kata-perkata. mirip di eja)

Ya begitu lah, sampe oral test pun pikiran gue kacau. Ga tau deh itu nilai berapa. Nah pas sampe kosan gw beres2 buat pulang, tapi pas itu juga jari gue kena staples, berdarah banyak banget. Poor me

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